Monday 19 December 2016

Donald Trump has no idea how to lead a Superpower, says Chinese state media

Beijing, December 19: Donald Trump does not know how to lead a superpower, Chinese state media is reported to have said on Monday morning, following the President-elect’s latest outburst on social media.
“Trump is not behaving as a president who will become master of the White House in a month,” an editorial in the state-backed Global Times newspaper read. “He bears no sense of how to lead a superpower.”
Chinese officials indicated there would be a "smooth" resolution of the diplomatic incident, but after the President elect's tweet, they accused Washington of "hyping up" the issue.

Relations between the two countries had been frayed by Trump's decision after his election victory to speak to the Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen on the phone.
“But if he treats China after assuming office in the same way as in his tweets, China will not exercise restraint,” the newspaper warned. “The Chinese government should be fully prepared for a hardline Trump.”
"China should teach him some lessons so he might learn to respect China after he is sworn in."

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